[Catalog-sig] Re: [Distutils] [ANN] Prototype catalog server updated

Thomas Heller thomas.heller@ion-tof.com
Thu Mar 29 13:57:02 2001

> > the upload failes for me, this is what I get from IE5.5.
> >
> > Zope Error
> > Zope has encountered an error while publishing this resource.
> > Error Type: ParseError
> > Error Value: ('Unknown archive format', 'application/x-zip-compressed', None)
> This should be fixed now.
Still it doesn't work, now I get (my package HAS a PKG-INFO file, see
listing at the bottom):

Zope Error
Zope has encountered an error while publishing this resource. 
Error Type: ParseError
Error Value: Archive does not contain a PKG-INFO file

Troubleshooting Suggestions
The URL may be incorrect. 
The parameters passed to this resource may be incorrect. 
A resource that this resource relies on may be encountering an error. 
For more detailed information about the error, please refer to the HTML source for this page. 
If the error persists please contact the site maintainer. Thank you for your patience. 

Traceback (innermost last):
  File /home/amos/Trunk/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py, line 223, in publish_module
  File /home/amos/Trunk/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py, line 187, in publish
  File /home/amos/Trunk/lib/python/Zope/__init__.py, line 221, in zpublisher_exception_hook
    (Object: RoleManager)
  File /home/amos/Trunk/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py, line 171, in publish
  File /home/amos/Trunk/lib/python/ZPublisher/mapply.py, line 160, in mapply
    (Object: addArchive)
  File /home/amos/Trunk/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py, line 112, in call_object
    (Object: addArchive)
  File /home/amos/Trunk/lib/python/Products/NetDist/ArchiveManager.py, line 409, in addArchive
    (Object: RoleManager)
  File /home/amos/Trunk/lib/python/Products/NetDist/Archive.py, line 69, in update
    (Object: RoleManager)
  File /home/amos/Trunk/lib/python/Products/NetDist/Parse.py, line 66, in parse_meta_data
ParseError: (see above)

Here is the contents of the file I tried to upload:

C:\sf\py2exe\dist>unzip -l py2exe-0.2.4pre.zip
Archive:  py2exe-0.2.4pre.zip
  Length     Date   Time    Name
 --------    ----   ----    ----
        0  03-29-01 20:51   py2exe-0.2.4pre/
        0  03-29-01 20:51   py2exe-0.2.4pre/docs/
    15041  03-23-01 12:01   py2exe-0.2.4pre/docs/index.html
      782  03-02-01 22:48   py2exe-0.2.4pre/docs/py2exe.css
     4197  02-17-01 23:00   py2exe-0.2.4pre/docs/py2exe.jpg
     1087  02-28-01 09:40   py2exe-0.2.4pre/LICENSE.txt
      604  03-29-01 20:50   py2exe-0.2.4pre/MANIFEST
      243  03-07-01 14:16   py2exe-0.2.4pre/MANIFEST.in
      410  03-29-01 20:51   py2exe-0.2.4pre/PKG-INFO
        0  03-29-01 20:51   py2exe-0.2.4pre/py2exe/
    31880  03-08-01 21:46   py2exe-0.2.4pre/py2exe/py2exe-0.2.4.py
    32781  03-26-01 21:34   py2exe-0.2.4pre/py2exe/py2exe.py
     7411  03-21-01 17:13   py2exe-0.2.4pre/py2exe/support.py
     1353  03-21-01 17:12   py2exe-0.2.4pre/py2exe/__init__.py
      407  02-02-01 20:06   py2exe-0.2.4pre/README.txt
    12913  03-29-01 20:49   py2exe-0.2.4pre/setup.py
        0  03-29-01 20:51   py2exe-0.2.4pre/source/
     2249  03-21-01 17:10   py2exe-0.2.4pre/source/archive.h
     1710  03-23-01 11:03   py2exe-0.2.4pre/source/icon.rc
      766  02-08-01 10:32   py2exe-0.2.4pre/source/icon1.ico
     2199  03-26-01 09:28   py2exe-0.2.4pre/source/py.c
    11305  03-21-01 17:10   py2exe-0.2.4pre/source/py2exe_util.c
      282  03-20-01 22:18   py2exe-0.2.4pre/source/python_run.c
      453  03-20-01 22:22   py2exe-0.2.4pre/source/resource.h
     2827  03-26-01 21:02   py2exe-0.2.4pre/source/run.c
     1975  03-21-01 17:11   py2exe-0.2.4pre/source/run_w.c
    11925  03-23-01 11:04   py2exe-0.2.4pre/source/start.c
        0  03-29-01 20:51   py2exe-0.2.4pre/source/zlib/
        0  03-29-01 20:51   py2exe-0.2.4pre/source/zlib/static32/
   113416  08-18-00 21:33   py2exe-0.2.4pre/source/zlib/static32/zlibstat.lib
     8140  01-16-01 16:12   py2exe-0.2.4pre/source/zlib/zconf.h
    41791  01-16-01 16:12   py2exe-0.2.4pre/source/zlib/zlib.h
        0  03-29-01 20:51   py2exe-0.2.4pre/tools1.5/
    25237  02-19-01 20:44   py2exe-0.2.4pre/tools1.5/imputil.py
    14685  02-19-01 20:44   py2exe-0.2.4pre/tools1.5/modulefinder.py
        0  02-19-01 20:44   py2exe-0.2.4pre/tools1.5/__init__.py
        0  03-29-01 20:51   py2exe-0.2.4pre/tools2.0/
    15106  02-15-01 23:16   py2exe-0.2.4pre/tools2.0/modulefinder.py
        0  01-16-01 16:12   py2exe-0.2.4pre/tools2.0/__init__.py
        0  03-29-01 20:51   py2exe-0.2.4pre/tools2.1/
    14702  11-06-00 04:49   py2exe-0.2.4pre/tools2.1/modulefinder.py
        0  01-16-01 16:12   py2exe-0.2.4pre/tools2.1/__init__.py
 --------                   -------
   377877                   42 files

