[Distutils] RPMs should include Python version in filename
Robin Dunn
Fri Mar 30 18:33:01 2001
> my-package-1.2.3-1-py1.5.i386.rpm
> my-package-1.2.3-1-py2.0.i386.rpm
> my-package-1.2.3-1-py2.1.i386.rpm
> The reason is simple: the Python API has changed between
> versions and also the path used by the files inside the
> packages use the major.minor version number.
> The same problem most probably also occurrs for bdist_dumb
> archives and most other binary distribution formats.
> Thoughts ?
I agree. I always change the names manually (and can never remember if I
used a dot or a dash the last time...)
Robin Dunn
Software Architect
Sliceware, Inc.