[Distutils] RPMs should include Python version in filename

s-thapa-11@alumni.uchicago.edu s-thapa-11@alumni.uchicago.edu
Sat Mar 31 01:13:01 2001

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On Sat, Mar 31, 2001 at 01:06:48AM +0200, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> The reason is simple: the Python API has changed between
> versions and also the path used by the files inside the
> packages use the major.minor version number.
> The same problem most probably also occurrs for bdist_dumb
> archives and most other binary distribution formats.

  With rpm and probably other package formats like deb, you can
have a requires that indicates the version of python needed=20
for installation.  E.g. if you place Requires: BeOpen-Python =3D 2.0=20
in the spec file, the resulting rpm won't install on systems=20
without python 2.0 user intervention.  Similarly a BuildRequires=20
tag allows for specifying dependencies in the build process although
I don't think it is very applicable to bdist.


Suchandra S. Thapa=20


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