[Distutils] Fortran compiler (updated SF patch)

Paul F Dubois paul@pfdubois.com
Wed Jun 5 23:34:24 2002

I don't think what I wrote is incorrect; what I said basically was that
Fortran support would have to be done by hand and could not piggy-backed
off the Python configuration. I also thought the default compiler flags
would be satisfactory for a smaller portion of the files to be compiled
than is the case with C. I still think both those things. Remember, I
wrote what I wrote at a time when it seemed to me that distutils still
needed a lot of work on the C side.

However, things have changed now in that there is more manpower
available, someone has already done a lot of the Fortran work, and
distutils itself is farther along. I think we should proceed.

If there had been a certain amount of managed manpower available and I
was managing the project, I would have seen to it that the documentation
for the C side had more priority than Fortran support. I would have
wanted C++ support before Fortran too (I haven't followed developments
closely -- is that in now?) I keep wondering too what the relationship
with SCons should be.

Someone wake up Pearu -- he fainted when I agreed with him.