[Distutils] Re: sysconfig.py,1.52,1.53

Andrew Kuchling akuchlin@mems-exchange.org
Wed Nov 6 14:47:04 2002

On Wed, Nov 06, 2002 at 02:15:56PM -0500, Jeremy Hylton wrote:
>I don't think anyone has suggested making changes such that would
>prevent people from building distutils packages.  I just don't
>understand the fear here.

Current CVS distutils has new features; for example, the verify_script
keyword that just got checked in to bdist_rpm should be fresh in
memory.  If you use one of these new features in your setup.py file,
people running it with an outdated version of Distutils might not be
able to install the package.

Here's my proposal:

   * Wrap up the 2.2.2 Distutils as 1.0.3.
   * Wrap up the 2.3 Distutils as 1.0.4 (or maybe 1.1?)
     The release-23 branch will have to remain 1.5.2-compatible,
     in case we need to issue a 1.0.5 release.

   * After Python 2.3.0 is tagged, we can declare 1.5.2 compatibility
     dead on the trunk that will lead to Python 2.4, and call it Distutils
     1.2 or 2.0.

Seem like a plan?  I can then get the ball rolling by making a 1.0.3

>They haven't proven important enough for anyone to do anything about
>them <0.3 wink>.

At least for a bdist_dpkg, there are technical reasons making it
difficult.  (I once actually understood those reasons, but have now
forgotten them.)  Should take another stab at it, though...

--amk                                                             (www.amk.ca)
Nothing ... well, that's something.
      -- The Doctor, in "Warrior's Gate"