[Distutils] Proposed patch: allowing unknown keywords

A.M. Kuchling amk@amk.ca
Thu Oct 31 14:49:32 2002

On Thu, Oct 31, 2002 at 10:24:41AM +0200, Juergen Hermann wrote:
>	from distutils.dist import Distribution
>	assert hasattr(Distribution, "getSupportedOptions")
>	assert "foo" in Distribution.getSupportedOptions()

Now that I look at, why would this be a method on Distribution?  Are
the options dependent on the Distribution instance, or on the version
of Distutils installed?  If the latter, then it should probably be a
function in distutils/core.py.  Given that many people write 'from
distutils.core import *', maybe the function should be 
named get_distutil_options() to make its origin clearer.

Here's a proposed docstring for core.py.  There aren't any options to
record yet, so the returned list is empty.  Anyone see problems with

def get_distutil_options ():
    """Returns a list of strings recording changes to the Distutils.

    setup.py files can then do:
      if 'optional-thing' in get_distutil_options():
    return []
