[Distutils] installing data files and headers
René Liebscher
Mon Mar 3 03:23:01 2003
"A.M. Kuchling" schrieb:
> On Fri, Feb 28, 2003 at 10:31:00AM -0500, Jeremy Hylton wrote:
> >Another problem we've been struggling with for Zope projects is that
> >distutils really only installs Python modules and extensions. It's
> >support for data files and C header files is pretty limited. We've got
> Good idea. We have a similar subclass for Quixote that installs *.ptl
> files, and it's a common need.
> >installed, so that you don't install .py~ files. One possibility is to
> >explicitly list the file extensions that constitute installable data.
> >We did that for Zope3, but the list of extensions ended up being fairly
> >long.
> Well, what are the options?
> 1) List extensions.
> 2) Explicitly list pathnames for additional files.
> 3) A MANIFEST.in-like mini-language for specifying which files should
> be installed.
> 4) Automatically add things in package directories that
> aren't obviously irrelevant (*~, *.pyc, CVS, .svn).
> Any other ideas?
> 4) probably offers too little control, and 3) might be too much, and
> adds yet another file to write. What if both 1) and 2) were
> supported, say, like this:
> setup(...
> package_files=['zope/app/config.xml', 'zope/app/dtd.xml'],
> package_patterns=['*.cfg'],
> )
In my opinion the third option is the best because it can be done
without much effort.
Look at pyxml or PYOpenGL for an example which uses one of my scripts I
wrote some time ago.
And its use in PyOpenGL setup.py:
# Overridden command classes
cmdclass = {
# the next line is very important
# because we use another format for
'install_data': my_install_data},
data_files = [Data_Files(
copy_to = 'OpenGL',
strip_dirs = 1,
# take the whole tree
'graft OpenGL',
'global-exclude *.py',
'global-exclude Cvs/*',
'global-exclude CVS/*',
It replaces the install_data command, still accepts old parameter lists,
MANIFEST like specification of files and directories, and allows paths
relative to
'install_lib', ...
So this might be a good start point to replace the distutils
install_data command.
Kind regards
Rene Liebscher