[Distutils] Possible problem using disutils
M.-A. Lemburg
Wed Mar 5 11:30:02 2003
CP Hennessy wrote:
> Hi,
> Sorry if I should be sending this to a different list, but I am not
> sure if this is a problem with distutils or the package made from distutils.
> I downloaded from the site http://users.skynet.be/sbi/libxml-python/
> the package libxml2-python-2.4.30.win32-py2.1.exe.
> However when I try to install it there is no directory listed in the
> "Select python installation to use" dialog ( i.e. the second window).
> I have Python installed as part of zope. And I even tried to set the
> env. variable PYTHON_HOME to my python. Python is also in my
> Also I cannot manually enter a path in the "Installation Directory:"
> field of the same window.
> I'm trying to install this on Windows XP.
> What can I do ?
Zope comes with its own copy of Python which doesn't register
itself in the Windows registry. To use the above package
outside you will have to install Python using the standard
installers that are available on python.org.
Marc-Andre Lemburg
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