[Distutils] Possible problem using disutils

CP Hennessy CP.Hennessy@iname.com
Wed Mar 5 13:06:01 2003

On Wednesday 05 March 2003 17:52, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> CP Hennessy wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > On Wednesday 05 March 2003 16:27, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> >>Zope comes with its own copy of Python which doesn't register
> >>itself in the Windows registry. To use the above package
> >
> > Ah!
> >
> >>outside you will have to install Python using the standard
> >>installers that are available on python.org.
> >
> > But will this then mean that when I install python as you suggest the
> > software from the package I want to install will only work with this
> > python or will I be able to get it to work with the python from Zope ?
> It will likely not work from within Zope.
> Please ask on the Zope mailing lists on how to install packages
> for use within Zope. It would also be wise to complain about Zope
> not registering the Python version on Windows :-) (because that
> would make likfe a lot easier)
I better make it clear that Pyton and Zope came in a CMS package called Plone.
I'll ask the Plone guys. 
Thanks for your help.