[Distutils] Mixing pure python and extension module and multi platform

Berthold Höllmann hoel@gl-group.com
Tue Mar 18 10:16:02 2003


We have a quite large project of some quite stable extension modules
and lots of frequently changing python modules. The whole thing works
under Solaris and Linux. Both operating systems are accessing the same
file tree using NFS.

My problem now is that setup on a mixed module installes everything
into the system dependent branch of the install directories. It would
be nice if there is a simple customizing of the setup procedure to
make setup install the extension modules into the system depending
branch and the python modules into the system independent branch. Of
course I can issue two "setup" commands in the setup.py, but that
produces ugly results when it comes to generating binary installation

Dipl.-Ing. Berthold Höllmann   __   Address:
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