[Distutils] Timeframe of 2.0 again?

M.-A. Lemburg mal at lemburg.com
Mon Oct 27 06:03:39 EST 2003

Michael Hudson wrote:
> "Mark W. Alexander" <slash at dotnetslash.net> writes:
>>Speaking as an admin of a fair number of machines, I've still got 1.5.2
>>running around. 
> How likely are you to try to upgrade the distutils install on those
> machines?  How often do you even install new Python packages on them?
> These are the questions that matter, not whether people still *run*
> 1.5.2.

Not really: when you want to build a distutils package
you do need to run the target Python version and that's
where the distutils compatibility matters.

FWIW, eGenix still ships 1.5.2 compatible packages and we use
the CVS version of distutils to built the binary packages.
We will drop 1.5.2 support for versions 2.2 of the packages
(2.1 currently in beta, still waiting to be announced) and
then move on to Python 2.1 as minimum requirement for
new releases.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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