[Distutils] data_files and sdist

Mark Hammond mhammond at keypoint.com.au
Fri Feb 27 00:59:08 EST 2004

> Distutils does not know about these files only because I do
> not have a
> way to tell it about them. Imagine:
> setup(...,
> 	extra_source_files=["README". "install.txt",
> glob.glob("include/*.h"]...)

I admit that I too went looking for this option.  My solution was to create
a manifest.in, with entries similar to:

include some_dir/*.h,

and will need to duplicate my data_files entries before my sdist will be

So I agree with your sentiments, and think it makes for 2 reasonable feature
requests; data_files optionally included, and ability to define
extra_source_files, a-la manifent.in lines, in setup.py.

Would such a patch be approved?  One day I will need to fix my sdist
package, so I'd be happy to 'fix' it inside distutils itself.


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