[Distutils] Extending distutils with 3rd party build commands?

Michael Hudson mwh at python.net
Fri Oct 22 13:12:03 CEST 2004

"Mark W. Alexander" <slash at dotnetslash.net> writes:

> OTOH, we're deprecating HP-UX so unless I can hide a D250 under my desk
> I may not be able to properly maintain bdist_sdux for long. I know
> sourceforge has a compile farm. Does anyone know if they have HP-UX
> available (or am I thinking of something else?).

HP's testdrive program has (or had, last time I looked) a bunch of
HP-UX machines.  I really hope they've updated GCC on the
itanium/hp-ux machines since the last time I played around on them...


  The snakes are optional, as are the electrodes, the molten lead
  and the ritual buggering by syphilitic warthogs. 
                                        -- Tanuki the Raccoon-dog, asr

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