[Distutils] printable docs on distutils?

Ferg, Stephen - BLS Ferg.Stephen at bls.gov
Thu Oct 28 18:14:28 CEST 2004

Is there some printable documentation on distutils?

I'd like to print off some paper documentation on distutils, installing
modules using distutils, etc.  I'm looking for, say, a PDF file.   I don't
especially want to go flipping through the HTML pages, printing them off one
at a time.

-- Steve
<name>  Stephen Ferg    </name>
<email>  ferg_s at bls.gov   </email>
<phone> 202-691-7257 </phone>
Bureau of Labor Statistics, Room 5110
2 Mass. Ave. NE
Washington, DC 20212-0001

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