[Distutils] buildutils' use of setuptools (was Re: ANN: buildutils-0.1.0 - Distutils extensions for developing Python libraries and applications.

Ryan Tomayko rtomayko at gmail.com
Thu Jul 7 19:42:00 CEST 2005

On Jul 7, 2005, at 1:27 PM, Phillip J. Eby wrote:
> At 12:02 PM 7/7/2005 -0400, Ryan Tomayko wrote:
>> I'm happy to announce that an initial 0.1.0 version of Python  
>> Buildutils
>> is available.
> By the way, I notice your extension doc suggests subclassing  
> distutils.cmd.Command rather than setuptools.Command, and your  
> setup.py doesn't use setuptools.setup().  You might want to revise  
> those, because using setuptools.setup() provides important  
> additional features that distutils.core.setup() cannot:
> * running "setup.py install" installs the package as an egg+.pth,  
> for easy uninstalls and upgrades
> * running "setup.py sdist" with no MANIFEST.in file will  
> automatically include all files under revision control (CVS or svn)  
> in the project tree, not just those found by the distutils default  
> search algorithm that searches only for source files, not docs,  
> headers, or data.
> * running "setup.py install" when setuptools is not installed will  
> bootstrap an actual installation of setuptools, whereas your  
> current arrangement will not actually install it, just put it on  
> sys.path during the execution of setup.py
> Also, 'depends.txt' is now unneeded; if you use 'from setuptools  
> import setup' then you can pass 'install_requires' and  
> 'extras_require' keywords to setup() and get the same effect.  (If  
> you do this, you should remove the depends.txt file from your .egg- 
> info directory, so as not to list them twice; the keyword arguments  
> get written to a different file.)

These are all things I have on my list. I have a hard time keeping  
pace with your progress on setuptools. :) But yea, my plan is to try  
to get this straightened out for a quick release tonight.

Ryan Tomayko
                                  rtomayko at gmail.com

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