[Distutils] setuptools: extras_require

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Thu Jul 14 06:28:20 CEST 2005

At 10:59 PM 7/13/2005 -0500, Ian Bicking wrote:
>What would that link actually look like? 
>http://svn.pythonpaste.org/Paste/trunk#Paste-devel-trunk ?  I'm not sure 
>what the version number should be.

I was assuming it would be like #egg-dev=Paste, just identifying the 
project, not a version.  That doesn't address the possibility of branches, 
but offhand I'd say that's a YAGNI.

>>There might also be some use to having tests appear only in development 
>>checkouts, and not in the actual eggs.  Setuptools has an undocumented 
>>"feature" system that lets you use --with-X and --without-X options to 
>>control whether a set of packages or extensions are included in the 
>>build, although there are some limitations to its functioning when you 
>>don't clean up the "build" directory between option changes.  (Which is 
>>one reason it's undocumented.)
>What would X be?  --with-foo.tests?

Well, if that was the name of the Feature object, I suppose.  :)  In 
practice, you couldn't have a '.'.  See:


and look at the 'speedups' feature, that implements a 
--with-speedups/--without-speedups pair.

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