[Distutils] EasyInstall: development environment
Ian Bicking
ianb at colorstudy.com
Thu Jun 16 07:30:59 CEST 2005
Working from Phillip's last email, here's my proposed list of steps for
creating a development environment; some of these could be automated,
but lets presume the automation does the same thing this manual process
Application name: MyApp
# We don't care where this directory is, except that we put all our
# in-development checkouts here...
cd ~/devel-directory
mkdir MyApp
# or an svn repository /MyApp/trunk, and check out to MyApp/
cd MyApp
mkdir MyApp.egg-info
echo "Name: MyApp
Version: 0.0" > MyApp.egg-info/PKG-INFO
echo "SQLObject>=0.6.1
Cheetah" > MyApp.egg-info/depends.txt
# But I'm going to be developing SQLObject, but not pysqlite and
# Cheetah...
svn co http://svn.colorstudy.com/trunk/SQLObject ../SQLObject
cd ../SQLObject
# Well, this isn't right, because SQLObject doesn't import
# setuptools... I guess I have to run package/easy_install somehow?
python setup.py bdist_egg
cd ..
export PYTHONPATH=`pwd`
cd MyApp
mkdir app-packages
# What do I run here to get the dependencies that aren't already
# fulfilled?
easy_install -d app-packages (?)
# But then I try to install pysqlite, but there's some weird conflict,
# and I wish I was just using the OS package... so what do I do to
# satisfy the dependency? Preferably without writing to
# site-packages/, where pysqlite is installed?
# and where are my scripts at this point? What should MyApp/setup.py
# look like? What should MyApp/ look like? Should it have a package
# underneath it?
Ian Bicking / ianb at colorstudy.com / http://blog.ianbicking.org
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