[Distutils] Dist utils library problem?
Glenn Pierce
glennpierce at connectfree.co.uk
Tue May 17 12:13:01 CEST 2005
Sorry if this is not the correct mailing list.
I have a question about writing a portable setup.py script for distutils.
I have a directory structure like this.
| |------ FreeImage.h
| |------libfreeimage-3.7.0.so
| |------libfreeimage.a
| |------FreeImage.lib
| |------FreeImage.dll
I am wrapper a c++ library and have the library files for linux and windows
installed under Dist/.
I want to create a setup file that works on both unix and Windows but I
am having trouble with windows.
My setup.py file is like the following:
from distutils.core import setup, Extension
ext_module = Extension('freeimagewrapper',
define_macros = [('MAJOR_VERSION', '3'),
('MINOR_VERSION', '7')],
include_dirs = ['../../Source/'],
libraries = ['FreeImage'],
sources = ['freeimagemodule.c'])
setup (name = 'freeimage',
version = '1.0',
author = 'Glenn Pierce',
description = 'Python wrapper for the freeimage library',
ext_modules = [ext_module])
I am getting link errors.
Visual studio can find ../../Dist/FreeImage.lib
but I don't think it can find FreeImage.dll
The errors are like:
Creating library build\temp.win32-2.4\Release\freeimagewrapper.lib and
freeimagemodule.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
_FreeImage_Unload referenced in function _destroy
Where should I be placing the FreeImage.dll file ?
I have read the distutils guide but wasn't clear on the library section
for ext modules.
Thanks for any help.
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