[Distutils] EasyInstall: installing non-distutil packages

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Mon May 30 00:51:12 CEST 2005

At 05:17 PM 5/29/2005 -0500, Ian Bicking wrote:
>Looking at some of the packages I'm interested in, there's a couple ones
>that don't use distutils.  Of course, fixing this is best, but I'm
>wondering if those can be installed as well.  Typically you can install
>these packages just by copying them into place.

Hm.  They're going to get a 0.0.0 version number.  :(  I suppose there 
could be an option to '--make-setup=version' that would let you 
automatically create a setup.py using that version number.  But that seems 
rather hacky; I'd rather spend the effort writing a setup.py for the 
package in a local directory, then submitting it to the author as a 
patch.  Or, if the package is orphaned, building a .egg and distributing it 
for others' benefit.

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