[Distutils] pkg_resources: failed require
Phillip J. Eby
pje at telecommunity.com
Mon May 30 22:10:40 CEST 2005
At 02:44 PM 5/30/2005 -0500, Ian Bicking wrote:
>Maybe I was confusing this with a bug related to packages with spaces in
>their names. In particular, WSGIUtils:
>I suspect this doesn't work because it creates an egg
>WSGI_Utils-0.5-py2.4.egg/, with a package name (in
>WSGI_Utils-0.5-py2.4.egg/EGG-INFO/PKG-INFO) of "WSGI Utils"
What do you mean by "this doesn't work"? Currently, the egg runtime never
reads anything out of PKG-INFO except for the 'Version' field. So,
although the 'Name' field reads "WSGI Utils", it is still recognized as the
'WSGI_Utils' package by 'require()'.
What it *won't* be recognized as, is 'WSGI Utils', which is a requirement
syntax error since package names in requirement specs can't have spaces in
You're probably right, though, that the PKG-INFO file 'Name:' should match
the actual egg name, so I've made that change and it should go out in
0.3a3. (The 'Name:' will read 'WSGI-Utils').
Note that egg names can currently only contain alphanumeric characters,
'_', or '-'. And those last two are interchangeable, as '-' is converted
to '_' in the egg's actual filename. Spaces in the setup(name="") argument
are converted to '-'.
It's possible that this range could/should be expanded somewhat, but it
seemed prudent to be conservative initially, since it's easier to add
capability than to take it away.
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