[Distutils] setuptools 0.6a1 candidate 2 snapshot

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Sat Sep 3 07:06:45 CEST 2005

There were bug reports about bdist_rpm, and some issues installing on SuSE 
Linux, which has a patched version of distutils for no particular reason 
(that Google knows about, anyway).  In the process of fixing these, I found 
some other problems and went ahead and fixed those too.  So, there's now an 
0.6a1c2 snapshot you can use, via the instructions below.  Please let me 
know about any problems; if everything looks good, we'll go to 0.6a1 
sometime next week.

At 12:03 AM 8/22/2005 -0400, Phillip J. Eby wrote:
>This thing's been in limbo too long, so I've made a prerelease
>snapshot.  You can get it with:
>      easy_install -f http://peak.telecommunity.com/snapshots/ setuptools
>I have fixed all reported bugs, and implemented quite a few new features
>like MD5 checking (which works even with PyPI's md5 data) and an enhanced
>"build_ext --inplace" that lets you switch between different Python
>interpreters without having to recompile your extensions.  (The extensions
>are built in build/, then copied to the source tree whenever you
>"build_ext" using a different interpreter than the last.)
>If you have any projects using setuptools, I encourage you to give this
>snapshot a try, so I can find out if there are still any lurking bugs.  If
>there are no bug reports by next weekend, this will get pushed out as 0.6a1.
>If you want to look at the documentation, use CVS or browse the
>EasyInstall.txt, setuptools.txt, and pkg_resources.txt files found at:
>(I just made some changes to these, however, that may take a few hours to
>update in SourceForge's anonymous CVS.)

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