[Distutils] bdist_egg ignores tag_svn_revision

Kevin Dangoor dangoor at gmail.com
Thu Sep 15 17:54:58 CEST 2005

On 9/15/05, Phillip J. Eby <pje at telecommunity.com> wrote:
> No; bdist_egg should do exactly the same thing as the others, as they all
> use the 'egg_info' command to determine the tagging.  I presume you have
> something like:
>      [egg_info]
>      tag_svn_revision = 1
> in an appropriate config file?

Yep, but I just figured out what happened. I ran sdist on the original
svn checkout to get a snapshot that I could hang on to. I then ran a
bdist_egg *on that snapshot*, which would logically not appear to be
an svn checkout. I was thrown off by the fact that tag_build still

It might be nice if an sdist that is tagged with a revision number
creates eggs with that number, but that'd be a pretty low priority I
would think. The only reason I even took an sdist snapshot is that I'm
always paranoid about things disappearing off the net for one reason
or another and like to have a local copy of parts that I'm actively


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