[Distutils] prefix in bdist_rpm

Pavel Roskin proski at gnu.org
Thu Feb 23 07:55:35 CET 2006

On Wed, 2006-02-22 at 20:27 -0800, Bob Ippolito wrote:
> On Feb 22, 2006, at 7:41 PM, Pavel Roskin wrote:
> > Then what is the proper use of the "prefix", "exec-prefix" and "home"
> > options in the install section of setup.cfg?
> That same code also parses ~/.pydistutils.cfg and the site-wide  
> distutils config.  It makes a lot of sense to set those sorts of  
> install options from there.

Including "home"?

> > If those options cannot be used properly, then maybe their support
> > should be removed?
> It's not Pythonic to try and stop you from doing everything that  
> could possibly be a bad idea.

That's unfortunate.  I'd prefer to be told that a feature is not
supported or is not implemented correctly or is going to be phased out.
It's better to consider other options in the beginning than to use the
feature and have unexpected problems later.  After all, it's a
configuration file with a very limited number of valid options, and no
major guesswork should be involved.

This rpm trouble is a petty thing with an easy workaround, but the
general approach  leaves me disappointed :(

Pavel Roskin

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