[Distutils] Breakage of fetch in setuptools-0.6a10-py2.4.egg

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Fri Mar 31 05:03:20 CEST 2006

At 05:55 PM 3/30/2006 -0800, Grig Gheorghiu wrote:
>Can I do it with a setuptools-aware setup.py installation file?
>I ran easy_install with the options you mentioned and it created
>setuptools-0.6a11dev_r43297-py2.4.egg. I then tried to require this
>version in setup.py like this:
>         install_requires = ["setuptools==0.6a11dev_r43297",
>                     ],

A better way to do this is to do:

     from ez_setup import use_setuptools

And this will ensure that the user updates to 0.6a11 before running.  See 
these links for more info:



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