[Distutils] setuptools: why does it install ctypes twice?

Matt Good matt at matt-good.net
Tue Nov 7 17:40:56 CET 2006

On Tue, 2006-11-07 at 16:47 +0100, Victor Stinner wrote:
> I'm one of the authors of pynetfilter_conntrack:
> http://cheeseshop.python.org/pypi/pynetfilter_conntrack
> http://software.inl.fr/trac/trac.cgi/wiki/pynetfilter_conntrack
> Here is the setup.py:
> http://software.inl.fr/trac/trac.cgi/browser/mirror/edenwall/pynetfilter_conntrack/trunk/setup.py
> My problem is that "sudo ./setup.py install" reinstall ctypes 1.0.1 and 
> ElementTree 1.2.6 whereas they are already installed by Ubuntu (using 
> apt-...).

Those Ubuntu packages don't install the metadata ".egg-info" directories
needed for setuptools to detect that those modules are already
installed.  In Ubuntu Edgy there are a few Python packages that do
include the .egg-info dirs, but it's still kind of rare.

-- Matt Good

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