[Distutils] More Windows questions

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Wed Oct 4 06:12:32 CEST 2006

At 12:15 AM 10/4/2006 -0400, Chris Lambacher wrote:
>You might need ctypes or win32all or a C
>extension to figure out what permissions a user has.

Well, I suppose I could just try modifying the registry.  :)  The big 
question is whether that causes a bunch of warnings to pop up, or triggers 
antivirus programs.  Any thoughts?

>On the download side, is there a way to force the download to go through the
>windows APIs that perform the proxy authentication?  I think the Cygwin
>installer does something like that.  I always used
>http://ntlmaps.sourceforge.net/ which is written in python and licensed under

...which effectively makes it incompatible with setuptools' licensing.

>   Maybe that can be used, unless I misunderstand the download issue.

The issue is that you still have to tell MAPS where to find the proxy 
settings, as well as the authentication info to use, even if you run it.

However, if someone wants to create a way to run a MAPS plugin for 
setuptools, I'll add entry point support so that it can be plugged in 
independently.  That way, somebody can make a plugin egg that uses MAPS to 
provide proxy support, and *that* library would have to be GPL, but 
setuptools would not because it's just providing a generic customization 
hook for installed programs to be told when setuptools is about to do 
network access.

One could possibly even write some crazy plugin that actually used IE via 
COM to do the same thing, come to think of it, or to provide a GUI 
interface for downloading.  :)

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