[Distutils] Import module failure with an egg(sometimes)

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Fri Oct 27 23:21:26 CEST 2006

At 08:56 PM 10/27/2006 +0100, John Green wrote:
>It doesn't even seem to begin to look for the module. As I said this only
>happens on one machine and I know that it used to work on that one too. If
>you could give us a clue on what to look for next then that would be

I'd suggest investigating the environment variables to see which one(s) are 
breaking things.  Also, double check your paths to make sure you don't have 
another AddInstrumentType directory floating around, since that might be 
confusing things.

The other thing would be to compare environment variables and directory 
contents with the machine that works.

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