[Distutils] zip eggs not accessible when running setuptools under IIS

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Tue Sep 12 00:19:37 CEST 2006

At 12:22 PM 9/11/2006 -0700, primco wrote:

>Fixing the sys.path[0].startswith('\\\\?\\') Path prefex thing didn't help.
>I've checked my path and I don't get an error on folder eggs as they get
>appended to sys.path. However, the zip eggs are not in sys.path and it
>appears that this is the problem.

This is very odd.  I keep thinking that maybe IIS isn't importing the 
'site' module and thus not processing .pth files (that list the eggs), but 
if that were the case then the folder eggs would have the same problem.

>Once again, doesn't this point to
>zipimport not working?

Zipimport doesn't put them on sys.path, though.  The site module does, by 
reading them from the .pth file(s).  However, this is *also* true for 
directory eggs.

The only thing I can think of is that maybe IIS (or some other part of your 
stack) has some code that strips sys.path entries that are not 
directories?  That would seem consistent with the nature of the problem.

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