[Distutils] setuptools: egg traceback seems not very informative

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Tue Sep 19 16:18:26 CEST 2006

At 03:10 PM 9/19/2006 +1000, John Machin wrote:
>Hello all,
>Example below, with distutils setup of same package under Python 2.5 for
>comparison. Two problems:
>(1) Path of source file is part only of the path from the *development*
>machine and gives no clue as to where the egg is located on the runtime
>machine nor what Python version nor what package version -- all of which
>is in the name of the egg!!!
>(2) The source line is not shown.
>Can I work around this? Is this recognised as a problem? Are there plans
>to enhance any of this?

The problem is actually fixed in Python 2.5; the issue is that the 
'inspect' and 'traceback' modules in older Python versions do not support 
zipped modules well.

I don't know if the fixes can be meaningfully backported, since they 
involve changes to fairly core stdlib modules, especially traceback and 

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