[Distutils] Buildout site-dirs and develop eggs

Robin Bryce robinbryce at gmail.com
Tue Apr 10 20:01:50 CEST 2007


When buildout installs develop eggs how does it setup --site-dirs ?

I've tried having a rummage in buildout.py but I don't understand what
the Buildout._develop method is doing; It appears to be preparing a
environ dict - presumably in preparation for execing the moral
equivalent of 'python setup.py develop' - but it does not pass this to
zc.buildout.easy_install.develop. It _does_ pass in dest. I can see
this comes from buildout['buildout']['develop-eggs-directory']; but it
doesn't appear to do anything special to propagate this to --site-dir.

I have sometimes works sometimes doesn't symptoms (see below) - Is
there current working dir nonsense going on here ?

The relevant versions are:
zc.buildout.easy_install.picked: zc.buildout = 1.0.0b23
zc.buildout.easy_install.picked: setuptools = 0.6c5

I'm getting this error from running "buildout -vvv install":

buildout: Develop: /home/robin/devel-asycamore/recipes
zc.buildout.easy_install: in: /home/robin/devel-asycamore/recipes
['/tmp/tmpzqO9yC', '-q', 'develop', '-mxN', '-d',
buildout: Develop: /home/robin/devel-asycamore/asycamore-trunk
zc.buildout.easy_install: in: /home/robin/devel-asycamore/asycamore-trunk
['/tmp/tmp06R7ze', '-q', 'develop', '-mxN', '-d',
error: /home/robin/devel-servers (in --site-dirs) is not on sys.path
  Processing develop directory /home/robin/devel-asycamore/asycamore-trunk

An internal error occured ...

This is my first pass through working with zc.buildout and I think my
buildout.cfg suspect. I have a recipe that does an svn co/up, a part
that 'installs' sources using it, and dependent part that builds a
release egg. At the very top I'm also listing the 'part' produced svn
checkout as a 'develop' egg. As develop eggs get built before non
develop eggs I dont think this will work in a single pass but even so
the --site-dirs error was not what I was expecting.

Is there a 'right way' tm to have a buildout install a develop link
based on a part produced checkout ?

I got some hints from this thread:
but didn't see any clear recommendations.

My buildout - such as it is - can be found here:


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