[Distutils] Buildout: Recipes with extras

Thomas Lotze thomas at thomas-lotze.de
Thu Feb 15 21:19:36 CET 2007

Automatic installation of eggs required by an egg extra doesn't seem to
work for a recipe used with zc.buildout as documented for eggs in general:

Suppose myrecipe has two entry points, the "fancy" one employing
yourrecipe. Now if I declare yourrecipe as an extra requirement only to be
installed if the "fancy" entry point is used to install any buildout part:



      entry_points={"zc.buildout": [
          "default = myrecipe.foo:Recipe",
          "fancy = myrecipe.bar:Recipe [bar_extra]",
      extras_require={"bar_extra": ["yourrecipe"]},

and use myrecipe I get a pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound error
concerning yourrecipe. It sort of works if I manually copy the yourrecipe
egg to the eggs directory beforehand, though.

Is this a real bug, or are recipes supposed to be so simple as to not need

Viele Grüße,

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