[Distutils] Building an egg from Subversion using zc.buildout
Phillip J. Eby
pje at telecommunity.com
Mon Jan 29 23:26:05 CET 2007
At 05:07 PM 1/29/2007 -0500, Jim Fulton wrote:
>On Jan 29, 2007, at 4:52 PM, Martin Aspeli wrote:
> > Jim Fulton wrote:
> >
> >> So do you get a develop egg and egg link or a regular egg for each of
> >> these packages? If the later, as I fear, I think you have a problem.
> >
> > I think the latter (I *just* deleted my test instance and I don't want
> > to do it all again now), but why is it a problem?
>So, from your example, you now have a kss.core-0.1dev egg.
Nope - it'll be 0.1dev-rFOO where FOO is the repository revision in question.
>I wonder what easy_install does in a case like this. For example, I
>wonder if easy_install would download and rebuild the egg every time
>you ran it.
Only if it thought the tagged version was a better match for what you were
looking for.
> Of course, with easy_install, you probably would only
>run it once, but, again, then you wouldn't be tracking subversion.
Development snapshots of setuptools can be checked out with
"setuptools==dev", and that will always download a new version because the
installed version is always a version like 0.6c2dev-r51290 or
something. This doesn't match ==dev, thereby forcing easy_install to
download a fresh copy.
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