[Distutils] "activate" script for virtualenv
Matt Good
matt at matt-good.net
Fri Sep 28 23:07:59 CEST 2007
I just set up a little script so that I can activate a particular
virtualenv and easily exit it. Basically it just invokes a new bash
subshell and sets the PATH to include the current bin dir:
mgood at sjl-dev1:~/python-envs/trac$ cat activate
bash --init-file .bash_init
mgood at sjl-dev1:~/python-envs/trac$ cat .bash_init
. ~/.bash_profile
export PATH="`pwd`/bin:$PATH"
So running ./activate will set up your path in the subshell, and
exiting will restore your normal PATH. I don't really like running
~/.bash_profile again b/c I actually end up with it re-adding some
stuff that's already in the PATH, but otherwise I lost my normal
prompt coloring. Someone with more bash-fu know how to fix that?
mgood at sjl-dev1:~/python-envs/trac$ which python
mgood at sjl-dev1:~/python-envs/trac$ ./activate
mgood at sjl-dev1:~/python-envs/trac$ which python
mgood at sjl-dev1:~/python-envs/trac$ exit
mgood at sjl-dev1:~/python-envs/trac$ which python
-- Matt
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