[Distutils] how to easily consume just the parts of eggs that are good for you

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Thu Apr 10 18:54:32 CEST 2008

At 11:36 AM 4/10/2008 -0400, Stanley A. Klein wrote:
>The reason I say that the natural use case for Python is closest to
>Linux/Unix is that Python is FOSS and its natural approaches encourage
>dependencies that are not hidden from the user.  It is natural in
>Unix/Linux to install dependencies that are not compiled in as part of a
>monolithic application and are not bundled with the OS.

It's natural for sysadmins...  not application 
developers.  Application developers can't rely on system packagers 
and sysadmins to ship their applications as packages for the OS, 
*even if* the application *and* the OS are open source.  All that's 
necessary for there to be issues, is that the application and some of 
its dependencies be in active development.

So, all this chatter about what's natural for a given OS is just more 
provincialism -- i.e., believing that the way things are in one 
village is The One True Way That Everyone Should Follow.

Meanwhile, the real-life use cases exist, and they won't be argued 
out of existence, any more than the people in other countries cease 
to exist because they're past the edge of the flat earth.  :)

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