[Distutils] [issue30] [PATCH] ability to upload a pre-built egg to PyPi

Dave Peterson setuptools at bugs.python.org
Wed Aug 6 01:28:23 CEST 2008

New submission from Dave Peterson <dpeterson at enthought.com>:

It would be convenient to be able to upload pre-built eggs using the 'python
setup.py upload' command as the owner/author of a project may not have machines
available to cover the platforms for which pre-built binaries are desired. 
Having this feature would allow the project owner / maintainer to accept
pre-built eggs from others in their project community and get them onto PyPi.

I've put together and attached a patch that adds a new '--bdist-path' (or '-b')
option to the upload command that allows calls like 'python setup.py upload -b
dist/foo-1.0-py2.5-win32.egg' to work.

The patch is actually for the distutils.command.upload module as I've found that
in setuptools-0.6c8, even though there is a setuptools/command/upload module, it
isn't used at all.  I'm assuming this is because there isn't much difference
between the setuptools and distutils versions of this command but that something
was intended eventually.  I'm making this a setuptools ticket because I'd like
to see this improvement in setuptools :-)

files: upload.py.patch
messages: 77
nosy: dpeterson
priority: feature
status: unread
title: [PATCH] ability to upload a pre-built egg to PyPi
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/setuptools/file11/upload.py.patch

Setuptools tracker <setuptools at bugs.python.org>
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