[Distutils] [buildout] improving zc.recipe.egg's README.txt

Fadhley Salim fadhley.salim at uk.calyon.com
Thu Aug 14 14:03:21 CEST 2008

Surely the easiest way to get that would be direct from SVN? 

The setup.py file would be part of your project. It's used to build the egg but never actually incorporated into the egg - I cannot think what use it would be even if you found a way to break this convention.  

By the way - kudos to you for sorting out the documentation. It's really awesome that somebody is tackling this.


-----Original Message-----
From: distutils-sig-bounces at python.org [mailto:distutils-sig-bounces at python.org] On Behalf Of Chris Withers
Sent: 14 August 2008 12:32
To: Philipp von Weitershausen
Cc: distutils-sig at python.org
Subject: Re: [Distutils] [buildout] improving zc.recipe.egg's README.txt

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:
> El 14 Aug 2008, a las 13:24 , Chris Withers escribió:
>> Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:
>>> pkg_resources (part of setuptools, documented on the setuptools
>>> homepage) abstract the access to data inside packages, no matter 
>>> whether they're in a zipped egg or not.
>> Yeah, but it's the actual contents of setup.py that I want to show 
>> given that this is supposed to be documentation ;-)
> setup.py is never part of an .egg file or directory.

um? then what *is* it part of? ;-)

Regardless of what it is or isn't, it's the contents of the demo egg's setup.py that's currently obfuscated but which would help understanding of the docs a lot.



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