[Distutils] [zc.buildout] versions section

Chris Withers chris at simplistix.co.uk
Wed Jul 16 16:07:27 CEST 2008

Jim Fulton wrote:
>> As best I can tell, it seems to be a recipe name used in a part.
> No.

So the versions specified in a versions section apply to all uses of a 
"project"? (regardless of whether the project is an egg, a recipe, or 
something else?)

>> What's the different between:
>> [buildout]
>> parts = foo
>> versions = versions
>> [versions]
>> spam = 1
>> [foo]
>> recipe = spam
>> ...and:
>> [buildout]
>> parts = foo
>> [foo]
>> recipe = spam == 1
> There is no effective difference between these two examples.  Often a 
> buildout refers to the same project more than once.  Using versions 
> affects all uses. Using versions also applies to dependencies.

Okay, what happens if I don't use a versions section and some egg has a 
dependency incompatible with a version of an egg I've specified 
elsewhere? (say in an egg recipe section?)

Some to think of it, what happens if I *do* use a versions section and 
this happens?



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