[Distutils] [zc.buildout] versions section (doesn't - does - erm? appear to work..)

Chris Withers chris at simplistix.co.uk
Wed Jul 16 16:44:10 CEST 2008

Wow, what a total FAIL of a mail, apoliges for that :-(
Okay, let me try this again from the top...

So, I had a buildout that looked like this:

parts = eggs
setuptools-version = == 0.6c8
zc.buildout-version = == 1.0.6

recipe = zc.recipe.egg
eggs = BeautifulSoup == 3.0.7a
interpreter = py
extra-paths = .

...using the (apparently soon to be deprecated) setuptools-version and 
zc.buildout-version options.

 From what Jim said, I changed this to be:

parts = eggs
versions = versions

setuptools = 2
zc.buildout = 2
BeautifulSoup = 4

recipe = zc.recipe.egg
eggs = BeautifulSoup
interpreter = py
extra-paths = .

I deliberately picked non-existent versions in the hope that I'd see 
error messages saying these versions didn't exist.

I could have sworn that the first time I ran buildout after this, 
nothing happened. But, given my recent finger clumsiness, I'm not so 
sure. Especially as now when I try, I get error messages about not being 
able to find distributions until I've changed the buildout to:

parts = eggs
versions = versions

setuptools = 0.6c8
zc.buildout = 1.0.6
BeautifulSoup = 3.0.7a

recipe = zc.recipe.egg
eggs = BeautifulSoup
interpreter = py
extra-paths = .

So I think everything's working as I expected, but I'm still left 
wondering if there are any situations where a [versions] section won't 
be checked and/or acted upon?



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