[Distutils] buildout directory computation change

Jim Fulton jim at zope.com
Mon Jul 28 19:28:29 CEST 2008

On Jul 28, 2008, at 1:14 PM, kiorky wrote:
>> Can you provide a buildout I can use to reproduce this problem?
> I saw this problem which broke minitage too a week ago.
> Jim, you can see all the buildouts in there : http://trac.minitage.org/trac/browser 
> like:http://trac.minitage.org/trac/browser/minitage/buildouts/dependencies/bzip2-1.0.4/buildout.cfg 
> .
> They will all fail with zc.buildout >= 1.1

Great! Thanks. I'll look at that.

> What fails there :
> eggs-directory and develop-directory will compute both to:
> 	buildoutdir/buildoutdir/../../eggs/*cache
> instead of :
> 	buildoutdir/../../eggs/*cache
> I work arounded them with a relative path.
> In zc/buildout/buildout.py, at l.135 , you assume buildout path is a  
> prefix for all directories which causes this problem.

Not exactly.  Buildout treats these as relative to the buildout  
directory.  It uses os.path.join to prepend the buildout directory.   
os.path.join is a noop if the second argument is an absolute path.   
Anyway, I'll debug this using your buildout.


Jim Fulton
Zope Corporation

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