[Distutils] setuptools "tests" sprint today

Chris Galvan cgalvan at mail.utexas.edu
Thu Jun 26 23:30:43 CEST 2008

Marius Gedminas wrote:
> The knowledge that someone is writing tests for a very important piece
> of infrastructure that I plan to use more and more heavily in the future
> filled me with joy.
I'm glad you feel that way :)
> I get
>   bzr: ERROR: Not a branch:
>   "http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~tziade/setuptools-test/main/".
> but that's probably because it's bzr 1.3.1 from Ubuntu Hardy.  I'll try
> with bzr 1.5.
> Marius Gedminas
You are getting that error because that link is out-dated.  The original 
branch was under Tarek's launchpad directory,
but we ended up moving it to a setuptools group so that it would be 
easier to give people access to the branch.  Here is the link
to the current branch:

bzr branch lp:~setuptools/setuptools-test/main

Let me know if you have any problems with that link :)

-- Chris Galvan

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