[Distutils] [zc.buildout] find-links does not deal with two-level hierarchy
Phillip J. Eby
pje at telecommunity.com
Fri Mar 7 18:25:21 CET 2008
At 02:26 PM 3/7/2008 +0100, Andreas Jung wrote:
>we have a local fileserver with a two-level hierarchy for egg -something like:
> +--- haufe.eggserver-0.1.0.egg
> +---
> +--- ....
>easy_install -i http://our-server/egg haufe.recipe.svnsetup
>works fine with this two-level hierarchy.
>Using the URL within the find-links option of my buildout.cfg
>does not work (Error: Could not find a distribution...) for a part
>with recipe=haufe.recipe.svnsetup.
>Bug or feature?
By design -- easy_install doesn't want to be a general-purpose web spider.
If you want your index to work with find-links, you'll need to either
dump it all in one level (and use -f instead of -i), or else put
2nd-level links in your find-links.
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