[Distutils] offline mode for Windows buildout -o or -No doesn't work...any alternatives?

Jim Fulton jim at zope.com
Mon Mar 10 21:58:16 CET 2008

On Mar 10, 2008, at 4:50 PM, Martin Aspeli wrote:

> michael nt milne wrote:
>> Hi
>> My question is simply, is there a command for running buildout on
>> Windows in offline and not newest mode? In the docs buildout -o or - 
>> No
>> or -Nov is suggested but none of these work on Windows. We can only
>> get buildout to work using buildout -c on Windows.
>> The further error is probably the result of getting the new Plone 3.1
>> through easy_install
> Did you manually install bits of Plone 3.1 into your system Python  
> with
> easy_install? If so, all bets are off...

He's been running buildout without -N or -o so I'm sure he has the  
latest eggs.

Perhaps someone should give him a working versions.cfg.


Jim Fulton
Zope Corporation

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