[Distutils] [Python-Dev] PEP 365 (Adding the pkg_resources module)

Jeff Rush jeff at taupro.com
Mon Mar 17 20:44:07 CET 2008

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 11:35 AM, Paul Moore <p.f.moore at gmail.com> wrote:
>>  I'm +lots on someone giving a clear explanation of the meaning and
>>  interrelationship of the various terms involved in this discussion
>>  (setuptools, easy_install, pkg_resources, eggs, "package managers" as
>>  distinct from setuptools, etc etc) so that the discussion gets some
>>  much-needed clarity :-(
> Right. But finding someone who can explain all this is apparently
> hard. All the owners of package managers seem busy...

In preparing for my PyCon 2008 tutorial on eggs and buildout, I spent three 
full-time weeks carefully going over sources for distutils, setuptools and 
buildout to discover those aspects not documented.  I can explain how they 
work, although I'm not sure this is the correct forum.  I'd like to first 
offer my slides from my tutorial, 150 of them with detailed handout notes on 
many of them.


I'm happy to answer questions after that.  I'm in the Hanada B room for OLPC 
at PyCon and on IRC #pycon.


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