[Distutils] Request for Input re Packaging

Tarek Ziadé ziade.tarek at gmail.com
Thu Mar 20 09:51:25 CET 2008

On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 12:17 AM, Jeff Rush <jeff at taupro.com> wrote:


>   - move to https/ssl


There are a few problems in this area, also related to indexing
we need to work out imho:

When a package defines a https://... link into the url meta-data, the link
be added in the Simple index besides other links. For instance, people
that uses sourceforge can have such urls. Even if the package egg or tarball
is available at PyPI, the home page url will appear at #1 on the index page.

This will make tools like easy_install read this link before it reaches the

This is OK as long as the users behind the firewalls are allowed to call

so that's a PyPI server *and/or* setuptools issue

>   [cut]
>   - some auto-generated reports of access statistics and the mix
>     of distutils vs setuptools, those who "registered" w/o
>     "uploading", and perhaps if we get a new classifier assigned,
>     some idea of Python 2.x vs 3.x packages.

In this area, I have  proposed a few months ago to make the classifiers
see http://wiki.python.org/moin/EnhancedPyPI. Just wanted to say again, that
this work
is in my pile for turning PyPI errors into warnings when a classifier is

The last thing I wanted to express in the state of packaging is that it took
a long time to understand where all pieces of code belonged to, between
distutils and setuptools.

I have found some bugs in distutils, and did add some issues, patches, and
after that setuptools had them resolved in its code.

I am feeling very frustrated on this because the boundary between the two
is very fuzzy. Maybe this is just a doc issue.

In the meantime, I might be naive but I
don't really understand why some part of setuptools are not merged into
distutils, when
it does the same things, but in a more robust way.

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