[Distutils] setup.py develop un-egg-spected result

Oliver Schoenborn oliver.schoenborn at utoronto.ca
Tue Mar 25 17:07:21 CET 2008

Quoting "Phillip J. Eby" <pje at telecommunity.com>:

> At 10:39 AM 3/25/2008 -0400, Oliver Schoenborn wrote:
>> I have a problem with "setup.py develop" installation.
>> ...
> This use of package_dir is not compatible with 'develop'.  For
> 'develop' to work on a project, you may not have any non-empty keys in
> package_dir.  If you want to use develop with this project, you will
> have to alter your directory layout so that 'core' is under 'extern',
> or else move the 'extern' modules out of 'extern' and up to the
> top-level directory, and update (or get rid of) package_dir accordingly.

Thanks for your quick reply. That's a pitty, would it be difficult to  
patch? E.g. from a list of all 'values' in the package_dir then add a  
line to easy-install.pth:

# pseudo code:
dirs = [os.path.join(os.getcwd(), dd) for key, dd
         in package_dir.iteritems() if key.find('.') < 0]
for dd in dirs:

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