[Distutils] How we can get rid of eggs for 2.6 and beyond

Jeff Younker jeff at drinktomi.com
Fri Mar 28 09:12:52 CET 2008

On Mar 24, 2008, at 3:26 PM, Tres Seaver wrote:

> Sharing the system python is hugely problematic on a unix box which
> actually *uses* python for its own tools:  the application is not  
> "safe"
> from additions / updates / removeals of the packages in
> /usr/lib/python2.x/site-packages done to support those system tools.
> The problem gets worse as multiple non-system applications install  
> files
> there:  e.g., the 'twisted' package on Debian boxes depends on an
> ancient version of 'zope.interface', which can't be used with any
> currently supported version of Zope.

This is why versioning would be an useful solution.  Each package
would use the dependent packages that it requires.  Foo 1.0 uses
Bar 2.3 and Baz 3.2 uses Foo 1.4.  An application can use both Foo 1.0
and Baz 3.2 without having to mediate between their requirements.
While nobody is really requesting versioning, it seems to be the
solution to many problems that plague us.


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