[Distutils] Question about easy-install.pth

Deron Meranda deron.meranda at gmail.com
Wed Oct 1 09:22:32 CEST 2008

On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 2:12 AM, Brian Cameron <Brian.Cameron at sun.com> wrote:
> I am having troubles working with setuptools on Solaris.  The Solaris
> operating system normally installs modules as packages which contain
> binaries.  This is unlike other Linux operating systems where, for
> exmaple, an RPM would download the source and build it on the user's
> machine when they install the RPM.

Actually RPMs usually are "binary".  You may be thinking SRPM files
(source RPM).  Also, not all Linux's use RPM.

> So, to create packages on Solaris we normally install a module to
> a temporary directory such as /var/tmp/pkgbuild-foo/usr, package up
> the files that are built, and when the user installs the package
> these files are then installed to their system.

What you'll want to do is to package up the files by creating an
egg archive instead.  In its simplest form and egg file is basically
just a zip file which contains all the python files as well as a
small amount of meta data.  You use setuptools to create these
egg archives.

Note that it may be easier to think of an egg file as a "binary"
package, much like a tar file, and not as a source package.

The best way to make an egg file is to first create a setup.py file
which describes the python module you're packaging along with
a bit of meta data.  At the bare minimum it may be just:

 #!/usr/bin/env python
 from setuptools import setup
 setup( name="mymodule", version="1.0", description="My python module" )

although you'll probably want to add more meta data to it.
Then you create an egg file for it using something like:

  python setup.py bdist_egg -d /tmp/eggfiles

and you'll get a file like  /tmp/eggfiles/mymodule-1.0-py2.4.egg

> However, we are having problems with figuring out how to properly
> create the /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/easy-install.pth file
> using our build system.  What happens is that each package ends up
> with its own easy-install.pth file ...

The easy-install.pth file should not be part of the "package" (and it
won't be if you use egg files as your package).  The easy-install.pth
file is instead created or modified as a side effect of installing your
package.  The easy_install command does all the hard work for you.

> Aside from writing our own code to manually manage adding and removing
> entries to/from this file, is there any way that setuptools allows you
> to manage this file when installing binaries to a system...
> I'm hoping to avoid some hacky solution where we try and hack the
> easy-install.pth file...

You definitely want to avoid hacking the easy-install.pth file if
possible.  It's format could potentially change some day.  Also
it can be tricky if you ever deal with a multiple version installation.

Fortunately the easy_install command handles that file for you.
Basically you create your "binary" package as an egg file, and then
when installing your package you invoke easy_install to copy the egg
file into the proper place and register it in the easy-install.pth file.

If you have your egg file(s) in the local filesystem, you would
typically install/upgrade it like:

   easy_install -U some-package.egg

where -U says to install or upgrade if an older version was already

Depending on how standalone you want it, you may also want
to include the option, -H "" , which prevents easy_install from
searching the net for the egg file.

For completeness I should note that you can opt not to use
setuptools or even distutils at all.  You could then just bundle all
your module files up as an ordinary tar or cpio archive and then later
install it by just unarchiving them into the site-packages directory on
a different server.  You could also create a *.pth file if you need to
(named after your module like "mymodule.pth"; not easy-install.pth).

However you're on your own in terms of any sort of dependency
processing or version conflicts.  This is though probably the closest
to your original intent of just wanting to archiving files post-install,
and extracting them as-is on another server.
Deron Meranda

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