[Distutils] Pre-pre-PEP: Requirements for the Python BUILDS Specification

Marius Gedminas marius at pov.lt
Fri Oct 10 21:56:02 CEST 2008

On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 02:34:30PM -0400, Ian Bicking wrote:
> Paul Moore wrote:
> >My feeling, by the way, is that "system packagers" are the more
> >relevant group on Linux/Unix (where most users install Python modules
> >via system packages, or else they are developers)
> I think this is part of why I don't understand the system packager 
> perspective.  Developers shouldn't use system packages, it just doesn't 
> make any sense to have that intermediation.

This only applies to packages you're developing, not those you're using
to develop your app/library/whatever.

Why I, as a developer, prefer system packages:

 * easier installation
 * easier upgrades
 * I don't have to keep track of security updates myself

In fact those are the same reasons why I prefer system packages as a

There are downsides (e.g. you usually don't get the latest version, and
sometimes distributions apply broken patches).

Marius Gedminas
You'll find creativity working hand in hand with engineering. It will feel
strange and you might feel like things are out of control. Relax - they are.
		-- Richard Gabriel on software
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