[Distutils] Deprecate MANIFEST.in

David Cournapeau david at ar.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Mon Apr 6 21:14:26 CEST 2009

Tres Seaver wrote:

> It is often true for *lots* of release management strategies that the
> release managers have to do extra work to create a release tarball
> (e.g., re-run autogen, etc., or flex / bison, etc.), and that the
> released tarball does not include enough information to rebuild itself
> (as opposed to re-tgz'ing it).

I have yet encountered a package from autotools where make dist did not
work from the pristine sources. Something like autogen.sh is only needed
if you modify the autotools "scripts" (configure.ac, Makefile.in/am,

> Nobody but a package maintainer should be making sdists.

But my use cases are from a maintainer POV ! In particular, I like
checking that sdist actually works in my release scripts (something like
make distcheck) - which is exactly my rationale for the above example.



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