[Distutils] RFC: Updating PEP 345

Marius Gedminas marius at pov.lt
Fri Apr 10 15:48:25 CEST 2009

On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 09:19:13AM -0400, Tres Seaver wrote:
> There is one more new
> argument to setup() we should consider, which might be spelled
> 'build_requires', and which would map onto the 'Requires-External'
> PKG-INFO field.

Setuptools has a 'setup_requires' argument to setup().  I don't know if
the semantics of that one are similar to your proposed 'build_requires'.

Marius Gedminas
Truth does not demand belief. Scientists do not join hands every Sunday,
singing, 'Yes, gravity is real! I will have faith! I will be strong! I believe
in my heart that what goes up, up, up must come down, down, down. Amen!' If
they did, we would think they were pretty insecure about it. - Dan Barker
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